Thank you to everyone who crossed their fingers and toes for good weather tomorrow.  The forecast is for a slightly chilly but dry day on Saturday, and we will begin showing the movie (The Minions Movie) at 7:45.  Bring chairs and blankets!

Please join us in our beautiful new park tomorrow at 5 p.m.   There will be face painting, glitter tattoos, popcorn and coffee for grownups.  Dora’s Express will have a value-priced menu in case you want to skip the cooking tomorrow night.

In addition to the Durand Neighbourhood Association’s program of events, we are going to have a bike lane celebration in addition to the movie night.  Please see the previous blog entry for details.

Fun for one and all!  It’s great that our park is buzzing with all of this community activity.

Movie In The Park
Movie In The Park