City of Hamilton
General Inquiries
P: 905 546-CITY (2489) / E:


Ward 2 Councillor
Cameron Kroetsch 
Hamilton Councillors are your ward representative in the City of Hamilton Council Chambers.
P: 905 546-2197 / E: or

Constituency Coordinators 
Hasnain Khan / Liesl Thomas
P: 905 546-2197 / E: / or

Hamilton ByLaw Complaints
Online at:

Parking Complaints
Report illegally parked vehicles
Monday – Friday: 905 540-6000
Sundays & Holidays: HPS 905 546-4925

Property Standards Complaints
Hamilton has several by-laws that ensure properties are kept to a minimum standard. These by-laws help keep neighbourhoods clean and safe. 
905 546-2782 / E:

Vacant Building Registration
Online at:

Noise Complaints
P: 905 546-2782 Select option 2 or after hours HPS 905 546-4925

Animal Complaints (barking dog)
Online at:

Graffiti ComplaintsOnline at:*If you are witnessing graffiti vandalism in progress call 911; hate crime graffiti call HPS 905 546-4925

Health and Safety Concerns
Hamilton Police Services
*If you are witnessing a crime in action call 911
Online at:
P: 905 546-4925 (non-emergencies)

Durand Crime Manager
Cory Gurman, Sergeant

*Crime Managers play an important role and will assist with non-emergency related community complaints. These may include issues relating to your neighbourhood, property, business, parking or any other community problem that may require long-term consideration.
P: 905 540-6074 / E:

Housing Focused Outreach
905 546-2828 / E:

Inadequate Heat
P: 905 546-2782 during business hours (Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm) or 905-546-2489 after hours.

Heat Warning
Online at:

HPS Financial Crimes Unit
P: 905-546-3840
*The Financial Crimes Unit investigates frauds occurring in, or that have a connection to the city of Hamilton. Investigators work closely with community partners, regulatory agencies, and financial investigators in the private and public sectors to effectively and proactively investigate fraudulent scams.

Ward 2 Trustee 
Sabreina Dahab
P: 365 889-2969 / E:

Online at:
P: 905 527-5092 / E:

HWCDSB Ward 1 & 2 Trustee 
Mark Valvasori 
P: 905 529-5980 / E:

Online at:
P: 905 525-2930

*Trustees are officials, elected to serve parents, students, taxpayers and the school system. They are the link between communities and the school board, ensuring Hamilton schools meet the diverse needs of students in their communities.

Hamilton Film Office
*Contact this office with any film production questions or complaints in your area.
 905-546-4233 / E: 
Hours Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm

Building Division
905 546-2720 / E:

Architectural Conservancy of Ontario (ACO) Hamilton Region
*Through education and advocacy, to encourage the conservation and reuse of structures, districts and landscapes of architectural, historic and cultural significance, to inspire and benefit Ontarians.
P: 905 627-5999 / E: 

Magnolia Hall
To book space visit:
P: 905 978-1443 / E:

MPP Hamilton Centre
Sarah Jama
*MPPs are your representatives in the Legislative Assembly of Ontario 
Constituency Office P: 905 544-9644 / E: 
Legislative Office P: 416 325-3043 / E:

MP Hamilton Centre
Matthew Green
*Members of Parliament are elected to represent Canadians living in each constituency. 
Hamilton Office P: 905 526-0770 / E:
Hill (Ottawa) Office P: 613 995-1757 /

Ontario Landlord and Tenant Board
P: 416 645-8080 / W:

Federation of Urban Neighbourhoods (FUN)
*A province-wide volunteer-based umbrella organization of community and neighbourhood associations.

Architectural Conservancy of Ontario (ACO) Provincial Office Toronto
*Through education and advocacy, to encourage the conservation and reuse of structures, districts and landscapes of architectural, historic and cultural significance, to inspire and benefit Ontarians.
P: 416 367-8075 / E:

Before You Dig
Online at:
P: 1 800 400-2255
*Ontario One Call plays a vital role in protecting the public and underground infrastructure.